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New Orleans,LA代理海运。New Orleans,LA海运物流

Our M&S Hongkong branch office is located at number 16-22 Watson Center of Kwai Chung, and we set up the Hongkong distribution warehouse at Hongkong Sun Hung Kai air center and express center, which covers more than 50 thousands ft. The establishment of Hongkong distribution center makes it possible that the import and export shipment between Hongkong and mainland of China, including the professional service of container loading, palleting, packing, warehousing, local delivering, distributing etc. Our operation center, including the transportation department, locates in Room E22, Lock E, 11th floor, Wangjing Industrial Building, 2 Dayou street,San Po Kong, Kowloon of Hongkong.The transportation department possesses 13 trucks, of 8 trucks with 3 tons loadage and 5 trucks with eight tons loadage, which is functioning everyday for picking up, delivering and sending to respective warehouse of air, sea and both transfer. M&S is certificated with the telecommunication licenses of Hongkong.And we can carry the whole mobile phone. Besides, we can provide the essential documents and approvals of customs clearance.and it's under our control for the different license services of clothing re-export, aroma and insecticide card, FROM A, embassy endorsement, etc. 一家集国际、空运、专递业务为一体的综合性服务。 公司具有严谨、完善的管理、操作系统和可靠及时的网络运营系统。员工训练有素,纪律严明,揽收派送,诚信敬业,在沪上金融、外贸企业及国外驻沪商社中声誉良好。此外,公司能为客户代理国内和国际空运服务。 本公司在速递市场上具有丰富的经验,并有充足完善的运输能力作为保障,国际速递业务建立在广泛而强大的代理系统上,具有时效快、费用低的特点。鑫顺快递是基于国际快递物流业成功范例特点组建起来的物流配送网络,具有自身的优势,如有固定的业务来源,服务范围广。公司将依托雄厚的实力,建立了自成体系的组织和服务网络,为客户提供门到门的收送服务。鑫顺快递遵循一流的服务运作体系,通过架设现代化的运输平台和电脑信息网络平台,不仅向八方客户随时提供符合各种要求的递送服务,而且能够与客户共同设计物流服务方案...
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