
We listen to what YOU want and strive to provide cost effective and time saving solutions for you to reach your goals. We aim to go beyond providing just rates, pre-alerts and delivery times.
From our experience in dealing with many industries in the past we understand the intricacies about getting your product to store on time and the type of problems it causes when it doesn’t.代为办理货物进出口所必须之商植检、SGS检验、危险品申报等。
7) 拥有自己的港口代理,负责货物的安全装箱,集港,装船。
8) 代为投保货物的各种货运险种。
9) 私人物品的进出口报关,报检,门到门运输服务.
10) 保税区业务的入区,出区,转口的报关,报检,海关监管运输业务.
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