作者:admin 日期:2013-4-23 16:21:53
Supply chain trading provide purchasing and distribution services for manufacturers. According to the purchasing and sales requirements of customers, we provide “all-in-one” services including market information gathering, price negotiation, production arrangement, delivery management, logistics planning, customs declaration, warehousing, dispatching, simple processing, payment and settlement and finally sale the products to the customers or buyers who appointed by the customers.进出口货运专线服务的庄家,敝司提供的中港运输及中港快递服务有别于其他竞争同业,主要集中处理香港的自提,入仓等货物,对文件处理有特别要求的货物交接。敝司当天晚12点前所收快件,次日早10点即到香港,全程(装车、卸车和香港派送)由敝司操作,有效地确保了货物的安全性和时效性。敝司在广州及香港均设有运营货仓,为贵司提供合理的运输价格,快捷的运输服务,优质的文件处理及后勤服务。以此来帮助贵司应对竞争激烈, 形势多变的市场.欢迎来电详谈!
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