莱索托Kingdom of Lesotho 马塞卢Maseru
作者:admin 日期:2013-3-22 15:48:47
Our Vision
To be the leading comprehensive logistics enterprise in China.
Our Duty
The innovative logistics solutions that wedesign and implement will create higher value for our customers.
Our Core Values
Exceed Client Expectations,Value our People
Work Safely,Demonstrate Good Citizenship
Act With Intergrity,Embrace Teamwork.
莱索托Kingdom of Lesotho 马塞卢Maseru
南非Republic of South Africa 行政首都比勒陀利亚Pretoria;立法首都开普敦Cape Town;司法首都布隆方丹Bloemfontein
澳大利亚Commonwealth of Australia 堪培拉Canberra
巴布亚新几内亚Independent State of Papua New Guinea 莫尔兹比港Port Moresby
所罗门群岛Solomon Islands 霍尼亚拉Honiara
瓦努阿图Republic of Vanuatu 维拉港Port-Vila
新西兰New Zealand 惠灵顿Wellington
斐济Republic of the Fiji Islands 苏瓦Suva
汤加Kingdom of Tonga 努库阿洛法Nuku'alofa
瑙鲁Republic of Nauru 亚伦Yaren District
基里巴斯Republic of Kiribati 塔拉瓦Tarawa
图瓦卢Tuvalu 富纳富提Funafuti
To be the leading comprehensive logistics enterprise in China.
Our Duty
The innovative logistics solutions that wedesign and implement will create higher value for our customers.
Our Core Values
Exceed Client Expectations,Value our People
Work Safely,Demonstrate Good Citizenship
Act With Intergrity,Embrace Teamwork.
莱索托Kingdom of Lesotho 马塞卢Maseru
南非Republic of South Africa 行政首都比勒陀利亚Pretoria;立法首都开普敦Cape Town;司法首都布隆方丹Bloemfontein
澳大利亚Commonwealth of Australia 堪培拉Canberra
巴布亚新几内亚Independent State of Papua New Guinea 莫尔兹比港Port Moresby
所罗门群岛Solomon Islands 霍尼亚拉Honiara
瓦努阿图Republic of Vanuatu 维拉港Port-Vila
新西兰New Zealand 惠灵顿Wellington
斐济Republic of the Fiji Islands 苏瓦Suva
汤加Kingdom of Tonga 努库阿洛法Nuku'alofa
瑙鲁Republic of Nauru 亚伦Yaren District
基里巴斯Republic of Kiribati 塔拉瓦Tarawa
图瓦卢Tuvalu 富纳富提Funafuti
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