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we offer you a wide range of consolidated air freight forwarding services - including pick-up, customs clearance, delivery and distribution operations - to a vast range of world destinations.

Additionally, we offer air charter services if emergency situations, unusual consignment shapes and sizes, or the need for unscheduled services arise. A main advantage of our Air Freight product offer is that we are able to secure the capacity you need,where you need it and when you need it.

We have warehouse inside the airport which allow for quick de-consolidation and speedy clearance of shipment.

We have good relationship with airlines and their agents.Our qualified staff are well trained and experienced in air freight .With our fast, considerable and punctual service, we guarantee that your cargo will be delivered into your customer's hands safely and just on time



★★★ 中国--中亚五国、俄罗斯、蒙古的国际铁路联运。
★★★ 哈萨克斯坦,乌滋别克斯坦散货运输(可代理清关).
★★★ 以俄罗斯(莫斯科)为中心,辐射整个俄罗斯西部城市到门的配送业务
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