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Airway Import & Export

Air is an important transport way to contact the world,expecially in some product and international trade,time is very important.Air can meet different requirement of the international market.Not only can cut down the period of the product,but also can save the cost.Of course can extend the further international market.

• Golden Ocean Logistics major in offering the comprehensive air service, include the air booking, Chartering a Cabin, chartered airplane, customs clearance and so on.We can also offer the simple shipping halding,customer can book the space by telephone, pick up from patron,and any other handling.

• We have professional air team.We have offer the service to the hangedpack garment, food and fresh, Fragile and valuable goods, Heavy and large mechanical equipment.We make coopration with a lot of air line,we have comprehensive agent net.We have best price, good service. We can transport your cargo efficiently and safely to different part of the world. We will try my best to make you satisfy.

已经与国际大型快递公司,DHL、FedEx、UPS及多家航空公司及船运公司保持着良好的合作关系,航空公司诸如长荣(BR)、国泰(CX)、韩亚(OZ)、南航(CZ)、德国汉莎(LH)、日航(JL)等,船运公司诸如马士基(MAERSK)、阳明(YANGMING)、长荣(EVERGREEN)、达飞(CMA)、中海(CHINA SHIPPING)、中远(COSCO)、地中海(MSC)等。


作为一支蓬勃向上的团队,我公司信奉真诚实服务,以人为本,客户至上的理念,凭着专业的操作经验及一流的服务。 能提供以下特色服务:
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