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提供第三方物流包括分拣,包装, 验货,挂衣,贴唛,等增值服务,集团公司拥有一支专业且敬业的物流人才的团队能提供并为客户量身定制物流方案,拥有一流的软件系统包括在线仓库管理及国内外派送系统,运输设施等,并与一批国内外知名品牌企业建立了长期稳定的合作关系,以全方位高品质的服务赢得了新老客户的赞誉。 邦联集团拥有的庞大的协作网络平台有效的保障了整个集团的高效率运作,基本实现了规模化、专业化、网络化、物流化。

Our standard practices, proficient skills, strict management and good standing reputation have gained universal praise. Our excellent staffs can not only perform reliable services, but save valuable time, energy and money for customers. Our magic is rational allocation and effective control of internal and external transport resources, and system sharing and process coordination, so that customers can enjoy high-end services without any worries at low transportation costs. Our company emphasizes on overall qualification training and scientific management from the inside perspective, and focuses on company credit, service provision and future development on the outside. In such a fast-growing information age, it is still people who lead the roles. Give me one change to solve your problems. We appreciate your support for our business.
Shanghai vast International Logistics Co., Ltd. is dedicated to “Good Faith”, “Better Services” and “Best Aptitude”. We wait on customers with all our heart with safe, rapid, accurate, thoughtful services. We observe the strategy of “collaboration, alliances and win-win”, to meet customer's needs in maximum for logistics and build long-term and stable relationship. Customer’s satisfaction is our eternal pursuit.
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