作者:ggdd 日期:2012-7-6 15:15:4
International Air Transport
Professional international air services, a number of international and regional routes of international air service, currently in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, including interim storage, including the establishment of the airport service center, tailor-made logistics solutions for the enterprise, providing a place full range of international air solutions to achieve exports of goods receiving, tallying, measurement, customs, transport and other one-stop service.
我司具有强大且严谨的操作体系。公司拥有高素质管理人员,经验丰富的专业操作队伍,先进的计算机处理系统。从报价、订舱、接载、报关、制单、提供二程信息、货物追踪、签发空运 与海运提单、及进口清关、提货、陆路运输均由专人专岗负责,与仓库、海关、各地分公司、办事处、国外代理公司之间各环节的衔接全部依靠计算机网络沟通。公司管理人员密切关注整体运作,时刻检查各环节是否符合操作规程,无论您的货物需要运到何地,迅速、可靠永远是我们的追求,您都能享受到"宏润国际"的优质服务。
Professional international air services, a number of international and regional routes of international air service, currently in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, including interim storage, including the establishment of the airport service center, tailor-made logistics solutions for the enterprise, providing a place full range of international air solutions to achieve exports of goods receiving, tallying, measurement, customs, transport and other one-stop service.
我司具有强大且严谨的操作体系。公司拥有高素质管理人员,经验丰富的专业操作队伍,先进的计算机处理系统。从报价、订舱、接载、报关、制单、提供二程信息、货物追踪、签发空运 与海运提单、及进口清关、提货、陆路运输均由专人专岗负责,与仓库、海关、各地分公司、办事处、国外代理公司之间各环节的衔接全部依靠计算机网络沟通。公司管理人员密切关注整体运作,时刻检查各环节是否符合操作规程,无论您的货物需要运到何地,迅速、可靠永远是我们的追求,您都能享受到"宏润国际"的优质服务。
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