作者:ggdd 日期:2020-12-24 1:35:0
* general logistics warehousing services
Mainly through the provision of container handling services, sorting, packaging, matching and other services to shorten the order completion time, reduce factory inventory, logistics costs, thereby reducing the total cost of finished products.
Main service items: container handling services, quality control, sorting, packaging, packaging and separation, quality management, labeling, maintenance and repair, simple processing.
* bonded logistics, warehousing services
Bonded warehouse business advantages:
It will greatly speed up customs clearance between ports and bonded zones and save customs clearance costs, and relax foreign exchange control over bonded ports保税物流除了具有运输、仓储、信息服务、配送等这些基本物流要素之外,还包括了海关监管、口岸、保税、报关、退税等关键要素,两者紧密结合构成完整的保税物流体系。完善的政策体系、一体化的综合物流服务平台必不可少。构建通畅、高效率的保税物流系统是海关、政府相关部门、物流企业、口岸等高效协作的结果。
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